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Proactive recruiting will bring success

Proactive recruiting will bring success - Randy Chaffee
November 13, 2024 at 7:00 p.m.

MCS Influencer Randy Chaffee says visibility equals opportunities.

Editor's note: The following is the transcript of a live interview with MCS Influencer Randy Chaffee. You can read the interview below or listen to the podcast.

Intro: Hello, I'm Alex with RoofersCoffeeShop.com and MetalCoffeeShop.com and I am here with Randy. How are you doing, Randy?

Randy: I'm well, Alex. How are you?

Alex: Good.

Randy: Good.

Alex: And we have our October influencer topic for MetalCoffeeShop. So Randy, what are you seeing for good recruitment strategies for the metal industry?

Randy: Well, it's interesting, because it all falls into line with a lot of other stuff we've talked about over the last few months, which is visibility equals opportunities, right? It's the more that people can, as a contractor or supplier, can put themselves out, whether it's digitally, virtually in any sort of shape or form, just be seen by potential recruits is probably one of the biggest things, because I think today's world, people looking for jobs are a little more savvy.

They know what they want and they want to be with somebody that's... Especially if you want good people that are going to grow with you and help you grow your business, you want the people that is putting much effort into looking for you as you are looking for them, right? And those people are going to be naturally drawn to look for who's real in this industry, who's out there, who's doing the good thing.

So I think a lot of it is to make use of digital, all things digital, all things virtual in your day-to-day activities, which is also a marketing plus that we've talked about in the past. But I think also you can much better tell people what you're doing, say, "Hey, this is the type of job we have." Show pictures of your job sites if you're a builder or an installer. Show pictures of your plan or your trucks or whatever it is that you're doing if you're a supplier so people get a real idea that you're real, that you're interested.

And I think that plays a whole lot better than just a written ad that says, "Hey, we're hiring. Send us a resume." That's like blah, blah, blah. That's kind of boring, right? In today's world. And the good news, bad news with all things social and digital is people get bored pretty easy. I'm an older guy, I get bored. And I'm one of those TikTok guys that about, it's an 18-second one that I'm really interested in and three seconds in I'm already swiping because I'm already bored with it.

So I think it's important that, even in marketing you talk about hooking people early, I think from the recruitment effort, you need to hook people early too because you are competing for that person, I guess is what I want to say. If they're looking for a job, you're competing against competitors in the industry, maybe out of the industry.

So I think that goes a long ways. I think a lot of the traditional things can get forgotten, and I don't want to ever forget and I strive hard in my world of being a little more digital virtual-oriented.
On the flip side of that, Alex, we don't want to forget the tried and true old world either. The magazine ads, the signs out front, the job fairs. Those kinds of things are a great way to go. If you're showing at county fairs, if you're an installer and you're doing some of the county fairs and showing your products and you're looking for people, make sure to put a sign up, because you don't know who might be walking through, a young kid that's looking for a starter job. Might be an older adult looking for a change of career. Might be a sales guy dissatisfied where he is at. Who knows who may walk through?

So I think you never want to miss an opportunity anytime anywhere to get ahead of your competitor, because I think that's the biggest thing you want to remember I think when it comes to hiring people, is you're competing. Just like you're competing for business, you're competing for that roof or that building or whatever you're doing. You're competing for top employees too.

And today's world, it's a little more of a employee's market, right? I mean, they can kind of choose a little more of where they want to be. So I think it's important to put yourself out front and say, "I think we are where you may want to be, so come give us a shot." So.

But I think a combination of the old-school advertising combined with the new-school, digital, virtual, social media, all those sort of things and combined. And I think the key thing is I think people nowadays, especially younger folks and I'm speaking to the choir because you're ever so much younger than I, but then again, everybody is, but is I think you're looking for something more than just a paycheck. That's important.

Alex: Right.

Randy: And more than just the benefits even, which are important. I think a lot of people, and especially the younger folks, are looking for are you socially conscious? Do you care about your community? Are you a good corporate neighbor? Do you do those kinds of things? Are you a fun place to work? Do I have some growth opportunities, as opposed to what's my hourly rate and do you throw something in my 401(k)?

Those are all important, but I think demonstrating to those people that we operate at a higher level and we want people that operate at a higher level with us and to grow and have fun with what we do is I think going to go a long ways, especially if you're looking to hire maybe somebody younger than I am.

Alex: Yeah.

Randy: And that's the basics, in my mind.

Alex: Yeah. Definitely people looking at the work-life balance and all the benefits. It's definitely not just I just get up every day and go to a job, so I think that's a good point.

Randy: Exactly. Back in the day, I don't know if this term will mean anything to some, but it used to be people would sell their soul to the company store, right? I mean, it was like, "I'm going to go to work at this place and I'll never leave. I'll be there forever."

And unfortunately, that's not the case as much anymore. Some it is, but I think that's the second or third goal. First goal is you want to get somebody hired that you think is going to be good with the hope and the goal that they're going to stay with you. Those become second and third and fourth tier issues though.

Now that's a whole other conversation. How do we keep these quality people, right? That's a whole nother conversation for another day. Right now you need to get them in, get them on your team.

And all I would say is that if you're doing only one way or the other, you're only going to get a certain selection of people that might be only looking at old-school ways of looking for jobs or the new-school way. And if you do one or the other, you're going to limit yourself to who may apply, I guess.

So I would go across the board because it's tougher nowadays to find good people, and that's what you're out for. So be visible. I mean, that's the biggest thing. Whatever that makes sense. Some areas different. I understand playing communities, that's a little tougher to be as virtual or digital savvy maybe, but you could also hire people to do that for you too.

Alex: Exactly.

Randy: So get it out there, get the word out and be, like I said, final words on that, I think it just... And we've talked about this and some other things, whether it's your marketing efforts or anything else, but be raw and organic. Just let them see who you are.

And I would say, if at all possible, especially if it's a small, medium-sized company, if you're the owner of the company, you need to be the face of that. Put yourself out there. If you're doing a video or you're going to do some kind of a virtual thing, you're going to be on social media saying, "Hey, we're hiring. We got this great sales position, we got this great crew position, we got this."

Whatever it is, if I'm a potential employee, I want to see Alex that I'm going to work for. Right? I want to see who you are. I want to get a little bit of your personality. I want to know, because back to what we said, the work-life balance. If I'm going to spend 8, 10, 12 hours a day with you, I want to know that this is going to be sort of fun and I'm going to enjoy this, because if not, there's somebody else that'll pay me probably just as much, so I'll go there, because that's... And so I think that's really important to put your face on the label would be my, I don't know if that's 2 cents. I might've gave you 4 cents today.

Alex: Maybe.

Randy: I'm feeling good. I'm feeling good. Feeling generous today.

Alex: Well, thank you so much, Randy, as always, for responding to our metal influencer topics and stay safe this week.

Randy: Will do. Will do. I'm batting down the hatches.

Alex: Thank you, Randy.

Outro: Okay. Thanks, Alex. Appreciate you.

Randy Chaffee is the Owner and CEO of Source One Marketing, LLC. See his full bio here.

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