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Up your game with the right tools

One Click Up your Game
March 13, 2024 at 11:00 a.m.

By Emma Peterson. 

Your sales toolkit is incomplete without One Click Contractor’s accurate, professional and customized sales proposals. 

In a new episode of MetalCast™, Karen Edwards hosted Taylor Hanes and Guy Kopperud of One Click Contractor to talk about how their sales portal helps contractors every day. One Click started with Dale Thornberry, who began his career in the industry as a contractor. Taylor explained, “He realized that the next big opportunity for contractors was to streamline the process of measuring, quoting and getting business done with the customer.” That’s how One Click was born, out of the desire to streamline that process for contractors.  

Today, that appears as a variety of services. One area of focus is their work at making the measurement process better and more efficient. Taylor explained the traditional process, “The contractor arrives on site, inspects the roof, measures the roof and then works to put together an estimate for the total price tag and then presents that to the customer.”  

What One Click does is automate as many of those steps as possible to give the contractor more time back, allowing them to do more work and find more leads. For example, in tandem with a partner like EagleView’s aerial imaging, One Click Contractor can create a report about the roof, including measurements, without the contractor leaving the ground. Then, it uses those measurements to help create an estimated cost, making it easier for the contractor in all parts of the traditional process. 

All of this is done digitally, which is at the heart of how One Click operates. Guy explained, “One of the things that we saw during COVID was a lot of homeowners didn't want people, strangers in their home, for obvious reasons. So still today we encourage contractors, you can do a lot of this upfront work ahead of time before you get out to the client's house.” The contractor can show up with their proposal and spend their valuable time talking with the client, working on closing that lead instead of measuring the roof the whole time. 

Read the transcript, Listen to the podcast or Watch the recording to learn more about how One Click Contractor can improve your sales process.

Learn more about One Click Contractor in their Coffee Shop directory or visit www.oneclickcontractor.com.

About Emma

Emma Peterson is a writer at The Coffee Shops and AskARoofer™. Raised in the dreary and fantastical Pacific Northwest, she graduated in 2024 from Pacific University in Oregon with a degree in creative writing and minors in graphic design and Chinese language. Between overthinking everything a little bit, including this bio, she enjoys watching movies with friends, attending concerts and trying to cook new recipes.

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