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By Emma Peterson. It’s easy to get wrapped up in ...
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What’s Better, A National or Regional Metal Panel Manufacturer?

McElroy Metal eBook - What’s Better, A National  or Regional Metal Panel  Manufacturer?

No one likes to be left behind, especially in business or personal investments. Therefore, it comes as no surprise that savvy business owners and consumers should keep a constant eye on trends.

The post-frame industry has certainly seen its share of trends. In the early days, typical pole building uses involved shelter for animals and farming equipment. However, over time, the post-frame industry has morphed into a multibillion-dollar industry supporting a myriad of building uses. Building owners now look to this construction method for everything from large religious facilities to single-family homes and commercial projects in town and country markets. One of the latest trends has been toward creating space that functions both as a “shop” and a “house,” appropriately coined as a “shouse.” While “shouse” applications are more common in rural markets, the term “barndominium” (a combination of barn and condominium) has also gained tremendous popularity in more urban parts of the country.

The demand for these types of high-end commercial and residential projects is propelling another unexpected trend. Professional builders are leaving the once-popular regional manufacturers and returning to national manufacturers to gain the quality materials, product selection and support necessary to satisfy this new breed of discerning customers. In some cases, they decide on their own. After all, they interact directly with the manufacturer. However, in many situations, contractors are also now bringing their building owners into the conversation because they understand that supplier and material choices impact their customers for decades.

Whether your role is that of a successful contractor, distributor or someone looking to build the project of a lifetime, this e-book is designed to educate you on the differences between regional and national manufacturers to help you decide which supplier type makes the most sense for you. Let’s get started!

Download the eBook!



By Emma Peterson. Learn about how metal performs in different ...
By Emma Peterson. It’s easy to get wrapped up in ...
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