By Emma Peterson.
Sheriwn-Williams' MetalVue program brings industry experts together to help manufacturers and contractors sell more metal roofs. The program includes integrations with companies like Roofle, EagleView and Sheridan Metal Resources to help with every part of the roofing process, from training and lead generation to finances and measurements! Recently, they updated their Roofing Passport, which aims to simplify and streamline the typically tedious estimating process. In this episode of MetalTalk™, Megan Ellsworth sat down with Junny Lee and Brendan McGinnis to talk about Roofing Passport and how it fits into the MetalVue program.
Brendan, MetalVue’s OEM program manager, explained the core of what the Roofing Passport aims to do as a part of the MetalVue program. He shared, “From quoting and bidding to estimating a job, that's typically been the biggest amount of heartburn that you would get when trying to sell or quote or install a metal roof...Instead of doing this all by hand, Roofing Passport allows you to enter an address; upload blueprints, plans or drawings; or add an existing three-dimensional XML file directly into the program.” Then, a a little while later, you will have a complete material take off list that allows you to fully build out the rest of your estimate. This means that you can have a quote ready to present to homeowners on the first call, before you’ve even been on their roof, making the sale easier to secure.
Junny, who has worked with Sherwin-Williams for over a decade and is currently the marketing segment manager of MetalVue, explained how Roofing Passport fits into the larger MetalVue program. They shared, “MetalVue is the chassis, the Roofing Passport is the engine...You can track all your projects within the new Roofing Passport. The UI/UX is significantly improved, made user-friendly. It's a nice clean dashboard. You can manage your jobs, your projects, your quotes much better, much more efficiently than in the past. The idea is to help you succeed in metal.”
Read the transcript or Listen to the full episode to learn more about how Roofing Passport and MetalVue can help you manage your projects better and sell more metal!
Learn more about Sherwin Williams-MetalVue in their Coffee Shop Directory or visit
About Emma
Emma Peterson is a writer at The Coffee Shops and AskARoofer™. Raised in the dreary and fantastical Pacific Northwest, she graduated in 2024 from Pacific University in Oregon with a degree in creative writing and minors in graphic design and Chinese language. Between overthinking everything a little bit, including this bio, she enjoys watching movies with friends, attending concerts and trying to cook new recipes.
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