Mail-In rebate offers with the purchase of select Trim-A-Gutter™ Brackets, Trim-A-Gutter™ Clips, NailHawg™, or Trim-A-Gutter™
Contractors/Installers: To redeem this Offer/Rebate, purchase a minimum of (1) Trim-A-Gutter™ 5" or 6" Box of Brackets (100 ct. for $10.00 rebate offer, or 500 ct. for $60.00 rebate offer) or (1) Trim-A-Gutter™ Box of Clips (100 ct. for $5.00 rebate offer, or 500 ct. for $30.00 rebate offer) or (1) NailHawg™, (NH25 or NH31 for $15.00 rebate offer) or (1) Trim-A-Gutter™ (TAG50 for the $100.00 rebate offer) from an authorized Van Mark Distributor, fill out the contact form by clicking the link above.
After Van Mark receives your request, we will send you a Mail-in Rebate Form. Please fill out the form and provide the Original proof of purchase (invoice/receipt), including any model or serial numbers. Mail all items to: Van Mark Products Corporation, 24145 Industrial Park Dr., Farmington Hills, MI 48335. Offer valid for USA & Canada only.
Limit 1 (one) Offer/Rebate per Contractor/Installer. Void where prohibited, licensed, taxed or restricted by law. Allow 4-6 weeks for processing. To be eligible, include the following; this Offer/Rebate and original proof of your purchase. This Offer/Rebate may not be reproduced, sold, traded or copied. Submissions from P.O.Boxes will not be honored. Not valid with any other offers from Van Mark. Not valid for wholesale distributors.
Notes on offer: