

MCA will lobby for increased insurance discounts for homes with ...
By John Kenney, Cotney Consulting Group. Why risk management isn’t just ...
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Sherwin-Williams & Grosso - MetalVue Sidebar - Make More with Metal
Roofing Day 2025 - Side Bar - NRCA
RCS - Sidebar - L&L contest
MBCEA - Sidebar Ad - MBCEA Conference
FEI Applications - Side bar - NRCA
Malco - Sidebar Ad - 75th Anniversary Sweepstakes
MetalForming - Sidebar Ad - Generic

I Need Help!

MetalCoffeeShop.com is committed to help contractors with their labor needs.

We believe it is all about the ability for you to get in front of the current roofing workforce while also going beyond our industry to recruit new potential employees. At the Coffee Shop we don’t just bring the roofing industry together, we actively market outside the industry to get your classified ad in front of the help you are looking to hire.

We are also committed to working with our partners in the industry. You are on this page because someone is also dedicated to helping you with your labor issues. MCS Partners are sharing promo codes for a discounted classified ad because they believe in you, just like we do!

Here is how you can redeem your promo code!

If you are not currently part of the Forum (you should be) or if you have never placed an ad with us:

  1. Click here to go to the classified page
  2. Click on Place an Ad button and follow the instructions to place an ad.I Need Help Finding Labor
  3. When it comes to the payment portion there will be an area to enter your coupon code and it will be applied immediately.
  4. After you place your first listing you will then have an account, so you can come back and manage your ads anytime.
  5. Your ad will immediately be posted.
  6. Be sure to confirm your account when you receive the confirmation email after your ad is placed.

If you already a part of the Forum or have placed an ad before:

  1. Be aware that promo codes can only be used once
  2. Go through the normal process to place an ad and when it comes to the payment portion there will be an area to enter your coupon code and it will be applied immediately
  3. If you do not remember your user name and password, there is a reset option on the account page. You can go to your account page by clicking “My Account” at the bottom of any page on the site.

Good luck and please thank the partner who shared this promo code with you.  They are an important part of the Coffee Shop.

If you have any more questions  visit our FAQ page https://www.netalcoffeeshop.com/classified-ads-faqs or contact us at any time at (877) 419-0477 or info@metalcoffeeshop.com.


Hickman Edge Systems - Banner  ad - Wood Nailer Alternatives


MCA will lobby for increased insurance discounts for homes with ...
By John Kenney, Cotney Consulting Group. Why risk management isn’t just ...
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Sherwin-Williams & Grosso - MetalVue Sidebar - Make More with Metal
MetalForming - Sidebar Ad - Generic
Malco - Sidebar Ad - 75th Anniversary Sweepstakes
NFBA - Sidebar Ad - Accredited Builder
Contractor Outlook - Sponsored by SRS
FEI Applications - Side bar - NRCA
Roofing Day 2025 - Side Bar - NRCA