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What do you love about being a roofer?

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October 22, 2018 at 12:45 p.m.


Is it being looked up to?

October 30, 2018 at 2:37 p.m.


I am not a roofer, but in the Industry as an Office Manager at a roofing company. I joined this industry just 4 years ago and as green as it gets, absolutely loved it and all it has to offer. It is challenging and ever growing and so many opportunities to learn and go many different directions. Prior to being part of the field, I never knew what it took behind the scenes from the customer calling to the completion of a project (big or small). I wish that all consumers knew what hard work goes on behind the scenes and the obstacles that can come up but we persevere through them for the best outcome for the customer. I look forward to many more years in this Industry and learning and growing with it! You also get to meet some amazing people!

December 6, 2018 at 5:01 p.m.


What do I love about being a roofer? I am 22 years old. I have been Roofing for 8 years now. 5 of those years I was doing shingle roofs. The other 3 years are flat roofing. As a YOUNG hardworking millennial I have equipped myself with such an array of Hard skills. I have been a foreman as both a shingle and flat roofer. I AM 22 YEARS OLD. I love being a roofer because It’s always something different, I am always learning and IM NOT STUCK IN AM OFFICE ALL DAY!

February 9, 2019 at 4:25 a.m.


I agree, not being stuck in an office is a big bonus.

One of my favorite things is communicating with the customer. Finding out what their issues are and then solving those issues and then knowing you did them right.

March 12, 2019 at 1:09 p.m.


Getting people their insurance money they didn't know they had coming!

March 14, 2019 at 1:26 p.m.


I've been in the roofing and insulation industries for 19 years.  What do I love about it?

Well, back in 2000 when I started as a labourer who's job it was to stand in the dumpster stacking flat roof debris so we could fit as much in there as possible...???  Nothing.   I hated it.  The first time I got flat roof pitch in my eye I wanted to gouge them out with a spoon...  It was dirty and hot in the summer and freezing cold and wet in the winter IF there was any winter work.

What do I love about it?

It helped shape me as a man, helped me to respect and honour hard work and taught me that perserverance is rewarded. 

After working in the field for 18 years, I started in Estimating and Customer Service last year and I get to share my knowledge with a new generation of young roofers, design optimized roofing systems for our clients to help them reduce their per-capita carbon footprint AND save money on home energy costs... and I get to do it all from the comfort of my home office where I can be close to my wife and children.

I love roofing because it's become a part of who I am.

Roofing is about family, always has been and always will be.

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