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Rob Haddock - MCS Influencer

S-5! Founder & CEO

Rob is a metal roof consultant, author, speaker, inventor and the founder of Colorado Springs-based S-5!, the leading authority on metal roof attachment solutions and inventor of the non-invasive clamps for fastening accessories to standing seam metal roofs. His personal BHAG is to promote metal roofing as the most desired, accepted, user-friendly, most coveted roof in the construction industry globally.

With 48 years of industry experience, he has an unwavering belief that metal roofing is superior to other types of roofing and strongly believe that S-5!’s innovations are making metal the most user-friendly roof type on the market.

He began his work life as a cowboy and rodeo competitor, tending a 5,000-acre ranch in the Colorado mountains―yes, the boots and hat are real. He also worked construction, and at the age of 19, he founded a company that erected pre-engineered steel buildings. That was his introduction to the metal construction industry.

For 15 years, he ran a nationwide steel erection business―Seven States Steel. He became actively involved in industry associations and learned everything he could about metal construction from people who knew way more than he did. He found mentors who encouraged and educated him. Eventually, he became recognized as the go-to-guy for metal roofing.

When he “retired” from construction and began a career as a consultant, it allowed him to share his breadth of industry experience with a wider audience. He has worked on research projects; authored articles and white papers (more than 100 in total); designed training and educational curricula; and studied metal roofing history and applications, both domestically and abroad. Some writings and lectures have been translated into at least 10 languages. Today, he continues in this role as director of the Metal Roof Advisory Group, Ltd., an international consulting firm.

As a consultant, he was often asked to determine why a roof had failed and realized the need for a roof attachment solution. This led to the disruptive technology inventions of S-5! in 1991, creating the opening for a whole new product category and the establishment of another new business. Now, we have a 58,000-square-foot manufacturing facility in North Texas serving international markets in Canada, Australia, Central America, South America, Europe and Asia, with our attachments utilized on 2 million metal roofs worldwide, including the world headquarters of IBM, Google, Apple and NATO. For a complete bio, visit www.linkedin.com/in/robhaddock.

Notable Accomplishments

  • Invented an entirely new market and its own distinctive category of engineered, manufactured metal roof attachments
  • Holds more than 50 patents and a nearly 30-year track record as the industry’s leading provider of metal roof attachment technology

  • Award-winning roof-forensics expert, author, lecturer and building envelope scientist and has worked in various aspects of metal roofing for nearly five decades