

By Emma Peterson. Learn about how metal performs in different ...
By Emma Peterson. It’s easy to get wrapped up in ...
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A.C.T. Metal Deck Supply

If it's metal decking you need, you can rely on A.C.T. the metal deck experts! 

A.C.T. Metal Deck Supply is the largest distributor of metal deck in the country, and has prided itself on serving the needs of the building community.

A.C.T. Metal Deck Supply stocks the metal deck and metal deck accessories you need for delivery or pick up.

Whether you need immediate stock from our local warehouse or a preplanned custom-fabricated order, we can get the deck you need to complete any project.

A.C.T. Metal Deck Supply is a network of 15 distribution centers stocking metal deck in all types, gauges and finishes for immediate local pick up or delivery, as well as preplanned, custom, fabricated orders. ANY size. ANY place. ANY time. A.C.T. Metal Deck Supply stocks the metal deck and metal deck accessories you need.

Visit our website.

Show us your smile in A.C.T. Metal Deck Supply Wear and win lunch on us!

Send us a photo of your office staff or crew in our A.C.T. Metal Deck Supply wear to be entered into a drawing to win lunch sent to your office.

All participants in the photo must be wearing any of our A.C.T. Metal Deck Supply swag then send your photo to marketing@metaldecksupply.com

One (1) lucky winner will be drawn and featured in an upcoming newsletter.

What are you waiting for? Grab your A.C.T. Wear, your smile and phone or camera and win lunch catered from your favorite establishment.

Live From FRSA 2024 With A.C.T. Metal Deck Supply

A.C.T Metal Deck Supply LIVE From IRE 2024

Join us live from the bustling floor of The International Roofing Expo for an exclusive interview with the experts at A.C.T Metal Deck Supply, a leading provider in the metal decking industry. This special segment offers a unique opportunity to dive deep into the world of metal decking solutions with the professionals who know it best.


LIVE From RCAT With A.C.T. Metal Deck Supply!

Metal Deck 101 – What is Metal Deck?

Watch more of our Metal Deck 101 videos.

Watch our Metal Deck 101 videos in Spanish.

How Do I Order Metal Deck?

A.C.T. Metal Deck Supply, the largest distributor of metal deck in the country, has prided itself on serving the needs of the building community.

A.C.T. Metal Deck Supply stocks the metal deck and metal deck accessories you need for delivery or pick up.

Whether you need immediate stock from our local warehouse or a preplanned custom-fabricated order, we can get the deck you need to complete any project.

Watch more videos.


"I just wanted to take a minute to say thank you to you and to your team for helping us out... That extra effort to help the customer is rarely seen these days."

- Jason Dewey, Centimark

"Thank you for helping us meet our deadline. Good customer service is hard to find. We take pride in our customer service and look to do business with vendors who share the same values. Thanks again for all your help."

- Drew Morris, Burlington Miscellaneous Metals, LLC

Some of Our Projects:







Latest Promotions and Rebates

A.C.T. Metal Deck Supply

Glitches are our Niches

Missing a few sheets on a job or forgot to order metal deck on an upcoming project? NO PROBLEM! Glitches are our Niches A.C.T. Metal Deck Supply... Has 15 Locations Delivers Can Fill Any Size Order Cuts to Length Has the Largest Variety of Deck in Stock Can be reached by phone, email, and website for proposals We are your ...
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A.C.T. Deck Metal Supply

Contact A.C.T. Metal Deck Today for a FREE Metal Deck Pocket Profile Card, FaceMask or Magnet!

800-894-7741 or sales@metaldecksupply.com Include your name, company name and full address
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Latest Contests and Games

Show Us Your Smile in A.C.T. Metal Deck Supply Wear and Win Lunch On Us!

Show Us Your Smile in A.C.T. Metal Deck Supply Wear and Win Lunch On Us!

Win a free lunch! Send us a photo of your office staff or crew in our A.C.T. Metal Deck Supply wear to be entered into a drawing to win lunch sent to your office. All participants in the photo must be wearing any of our A.C.T. Metal Deck Supply swag then ...
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Latest Spanish Content

A.C.T. Videos informativos para comprender las cubiertas de metal y su aplicación en la construcción

Videos informativos para comprender las cubiertas de metal y su aplicación en la construcción

By Jessica Bravo. A.C.T Metal Deck Supply lanza una seria de videos en Español. A.C.T Metal Deck Supply tiene una serie de videos informativos en español, diseñados para ayudar a los profesionales de la industria a comprender mejor sus productos. Estos videos cubren aspectos esenciales sobre cubiertas de metal, ...
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ACT Venda más decks de metal con el apoyo de A.C.T.

Venda más decks de metal con el apoyo de A.C.T.

Por Emma Peterson. Descubra cómo A.C.T. Metal Deck Supply está utilizando 50 años de experiencia para apoyar a los contratistas en la gestión de proyectos de decks de metal. A.C.T. Metal Deck Supply es el mator distribuidor de decks de metal en los Estados Unidos y se enorgullece especialmente ...
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ACT Una cubierta construída como un pastel

Una cubierta construída como un pastel

Por Emma Peterson. Un piso de metal es como un molde para pasteles: debe asegurarse de que esté bien fijado para que el concreto (la masa) se mantenga en su lugar. ¡Obtenga más información sobre los diferentes accesorios que lo ayudan a crear una obra maestra! Las cubiertas de metal ...
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ACT Logo Shadow 03-12

A.C.T. Metal Deck's Trade Show Playlist

To learn more about A.C.T. Metal Deck, visit their RCS Directory. LIVE From FRSA with A.C.T. Metal Deck Supply LIVE From RCAT With A.C.T. Metal Deck Supply!
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A.C.T. Metal Deck Supply - Metal Deck 101 Logo


Welcome to our Metal Deck 101 Video Library which will give industry professionals a resource to enhance their knowledge about metal deck, metal deck accessories and address frequently asked questions. For more information Visit Our RCS Directory. Who is A.C.T. Metal Deck Supply - The largest distributor of metal deck in ...
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