MCS Influencer Mark Standifer says that metal construction installers need to have someone on the field who can read structural drawings. Editor's note: The following is a conversations between Coffee Shops' COO, Karen Edwards, and King of Texas Roofing Project Manager, Mark Standifer. You can listen to the interview or read ...
By Mark Standifer. MCS Influencer Mark Standifer shares everything you need to know when buying metal panels. This month's topic is roll-forming and roll-formers. DISCLAIMER – a lot of my experience is based on the use of Berridge equipment. I have used Stellrecht and Englert roll-formers for specific panel profiles. ...
MCS Influencer Jerry Iselin says that smaller roofing companies can benefit from having an on-site rollformer since it could be hard to access them elsewhere. Editor’s note: The following consists of a conversation between MCS’ Gina Cali and Metal Roof Specialties Owner Jerry Iselin. You can listen to the conversation or ...
MCS Influencer John Sheridan says that training and tech support is critical to have when purchasing rollforming equipment. There are a huge variety of rollforming and metalforming machines available. Rollforming is mostly concerned with the making of metal roof or siding panels in gauges usually 24 gauge or less in thickness ...
MCS Influencer John Kenney says that quality is crucial when picking out a metal roll-forming machine. There are different types of metal-forming machinery in the marketplace. This category can include automated shears and brakes, portable roof panel machines, gutter roll former, edge metal formers and custom laser metal working equipment. This ...
Dale Nelson explains what features and capabilities you should consider when looking to buy a rollforming machine. Editor’s note: The following consists of a conversation between MCS editor Karen Edwards and Dale Nelson, President of Roof Hugger. You can listen to the podcast or read the transcript below. Karen Edwards: ...
MCS Influencer Hayley Bohmer says that many roofing companies are incorporating gutter sales into their business because of the shortage of gutter installers. Editor's note: The following is a conversations between MCS' Gina Cali and New Tech Machinery's Account Manager, Hayley Bohmer. You can listen to the interview or read the ...
MCS Influencer John Sheridan says that the type of metal roof panel system will make a difference for customer who want solar in the future. Editor’s note: The following consists of a conversation between MCS’ Gina Cali and Sheridan Metal Resources LLC Owner John Sheridan. Gina Cali: Hi John. Thanks for ...
MCS Influencer Mark Standifer explains how to handle the situation when gutters proposed are too small to properly perform. This month’s submittal is coming to you from a blind, somewhere in Central Texas. The feral hogs have been taking a beating this month. We donate these animals to the local ...
MCS Influencer John Sheridan says that including gutters in a metal roof sales proposal always adds great value. Gutters are a key component to all roofing systems, but there are a few important things to consider when incorporating sales into a metal roof system: Availability. Do manufacturers in your area offer matching ...