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Western Roofing Expo 2021: COVID-19 Mitigation Plan

WSRCA Roofing Expo 2021
August 4, 2021 at 12:00 p.m.

Reinforcing our efforts to help keep all participants in a safe environment.

As part of its commitment to its members, vendors and attendees, the Western States Roofing Contractors Association (“WSRCA”) has enacted this COVID-19 Mitigation Plan in advance of the Western Roofing Expo (the “Expo”) to be held September 21–23, 2021 at the Mirage Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada (“Mirage”) and the events related to it. WSRCA has partnered with the Mirage and Freeman Events to ensure that safe practices, procedures, and protocols are implemented during the Expo to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. This Expo Mitigation Plan is made pursuant to Nevada Governor Sisolak’s Emergency Directives 033 and 045, and in conformance with the Centers for Disease Control’s (“CDC”) COVID-19 Guidance.

The Mirage’s health and safety commitment is incorporated by reference in this Expo Mitigation Plan.

Freeman, the vendor which will be assisting in the setup of the Expo has the following SafeConnect procedures that it will implement as part of the Expo’s overall COVID-19 Mitigation Plan. Freeman’s COVID-19 Mitigation Plan provides in part:

Upon entering any event when Freeman is the General Services Contractor, you can count on us to:

  • Require that all on-site employees follow CDC guidance for mask wearing and physical distancing for vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals
  • Adhere to state/local public health guidance, and any venue or client-required health and safety policies or procedures
  • Enforce that any Freeman employee or contractor who refuses to follow CDC/state/local public health, or venue/client-required health and safety policies, while on-site will be asked to leave immediately
  • Provide employees with a COVID-19 personal protective equipment (PPE) package
  • Encourage physical distancing, in accordance with CDC guidance, with employees and contractors
  • Require all employees and contractors to wash hands throughout the day with soap and hot water for 20 seconds or frequently use hand sanitizer
  • Mandate any custodial or sanitization services hired by Freeman to be GBAC-certified

In addition to the Mirage and Freeman COVID-19 mitigation plans, procedures, and protocols, the WSRCA will enact as part of its Expo COVID-19 Mitigation Plan the following items:

  1. Pursuant to Nevada Governor Sisolak’s Emergency Directive 045, and CDC guidance, facemasks must be worn at all times by Expo attendees.
  2. All attendees will be required to review the CDC’s large gathering guidance and commit to adhering to its provisions.
  3. All attendees will be instructed to travel to the Expo as safely as possible to avoid the risk of exposure to COVID-19 before attending the Expo.
  4. All attendees will be instructed to clean their hands often.  To this end, alcohol-based hand sanitizers/hand sanitizing stations will be available in convenient locations for all Expo attendees.
  5. Tables and chairs will be spaced to allow for social distancing.
  6. The number of chairs per table will be reduced to allow for social distancing.
  7. WSRCA will, in conjunction with the Mirage and Freeman, ensure that “high-touch” surfaces will be cleaned frequently.
  8. WSRCA will instruct all attendees to stay home, or in their rooms if they are experiencing any symptoms such as fever, cough, or shortness of breath.
  9. The WSRCA will work to ensure that the Expo floor does not get overly crowded.
  10. Hotel Security is first aid, CPR and AED Certified.
  11. The Mirage has in room testing available through a third party. COVID tests can be arranged by contacting the front desk. 
  12. Each attendee will have to complete a COVID-19 screening questionnaire upon check-in and registration.

If at any time, a member, vendor, or attendee has a question regarding COVID-19 safety, they can reach WSRCA at the registration desk during normal show hours.

Thank you for your continued support!

Western States Roofing Contractors Association

Not a Member of WSRCA? Join now!

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