Editor's note: The following is the transcript of a live interview with Renee Ramey from Metal Roofing Alliance. You can read the interview below or listen to the podcast.
Heidi J. Ellsworth: Hello and welcome to MetalCast. This is the podcast videocast from MetalCoffeeShop. My name is Heidi Ellsworth, and today I am here with the leading lady of metal, and that is Renee Ramey with Metal Roofing Alliance. Renee, welcome.
Renee Ramey: Wow, what a introduction. I'm sitting here blushing.
Heidi J. Ellsworth: Well, it's the truth.
Renee Ramey: Love it.
Heidi J. Ellsworth: I've learned so much from you, and you just do such amazing things. I mean, well, let's start with an introduction. Tell people about your great career in metal.
Renee Ramey: Oh, okay. Yeah. Well, without giving away my age completely, I've been in the industry for a hair over 25 years, I think, at this point. My background has been with companies ranging from steel mill, really a converter, metal converter, coil converter that had metallic coating and paint lines, as well as with metal roofing manufacturing companies, metal distribution service center. And in all of that time, for most of that time, I should say, I was with companies that were actually members of MRA. And so my relationship with MRA dates back almost to the beginning of my relationship with this industry. And it's been really neat to kind of approach it from a few different sides. But I've been in this role as an executive director of Metal Roofing Alliance for, I want to say six years at this point.
Heidi J. Ellsworth: Wow. Wow. Okay. And tell everybody out there about Metal Roofing Alliance, what it is and what you do.
Renee Ramey: Yeah, absolutely. So Metal Roofing Alliance was created in 1998, and to summarize it as best I can, it was kind of a spinoff from the Metal Construction Association because at the time it was the only B2C entity or committee that they had. They were doing some of their own fundraising, and it was residential in focus, as I said, the B2C, which just made it a little different than the rest of their program at that time.
So we became a standalone entity, Metal Roofing Alliance in 1998. And at that time we started doing some annual research for our own benefit. And in 1998, at that time, we had 3% of the residential re-roof market.
So fast forward through today, our mission's the same. We've changed very little in our mission, which is to educate and promote metal roofing to homeowners. And we do that through every platform you can imagine, whether it be social, digital, TV, radio, print, you name it. We're out there wherever we can be driving people back to our website, which is our hub, and just trying to be the resource for homeowners as they're going through a re-roof process, not just about metal roofing, although obviously we're a hundred percent focused on metal roofing. But even helping homeowners consider when they're going to do a new roof, what should we be thinking about? What aspects should we consider when we're going through this process?
And so our mission is education and promotion of homeowners. It's quality roofing. We want to stress that, not just slapping on any metal roof, but a quality metal roof is what we're about. And happily can sit here today and say that as of our last annual market research study, we're up to 17% of the re-roof market in residential. So we're making headway and actually picking up pace, and we believe our message and our campaigns are getting out there in front of homeowners.
Heidi J. Ellsworth: You've been so smart to benchmark every year to really kind of look at that. And tell us a little bit about working with Dodge and the market study, how it works.
Renee Ramey: So every year on an annual basis, they go out and survey homeowners specifically, or exclusively I should say, and the subset of their survey group comes back with answers to questions and then obviously we get that data once a year.
And those questions cover everything from, did you actually install a roof, yes or no? What did you consider when you were going through that process? What material did you go with when installed? Was it metal? Was it something else? If it was metal, what type of system was it? What was the metal substrate? What was the paint system that you put on it? Or the coating? What was the profile that you selected?
And so obviously I'm a data hound. I'd love to get all the data that's out there, but our report has consistently since inception really been focused on trying to figure out what our penetration is into the residential arena, but then also within our industry, giving our members some data they can use to see where the trends are as far as the type of substrate or coating, the style of the metal roof, et cetera.
Heidi J. Ellsworth: And I know you said this earlier, but together, what has that whole change been from 1998 to 20, it'd be 2021, right?
Renee Ramey: Yes. 2021. So we went from 3% rounding up, I think it was 3% in 1998 of the re-roof market to 17% of the re-roof market in 2021. We do also track new construction. And unfortunately, I can't cite what those numbers are right at this moment without going back and looking. And the reason for that is we've found that metal roofing's focus really is the re-roof market. It's been very difficult to, and is not really our target market, to be honest, to try to go after new construction.
Heidi J. Ellsworth: Unless it's those beautiful custom homes with those beautiful metal roofs.
Renee Ramey: Oh, we'll take it. Yeah, we love it. I am starting to see more and more of the custom home market go with metal, and that's super exciting. And we are seeing that reflected in the market share for sure.
Heidi J. Ellsworth: With the focus on sustainability and with what everybody is looking at for sustainable roofs, performance, durability, not to mention how great they work with solar. Those kinds of things may start changing on the new construction side. And so along that line, what are some of your focuses for 2023 residential metal roofing?
Renee Ramey: So for 2023, sustainability, resiliency, you nailed a couple of those. Those are big hot topics. And that excites me because I think we should be focusing on those. As homeowners, we should care about the products we're buying, where they came from and where they go at the end of their life. And metal has a great story to tell within those new focuses or those focuses that are becoming more popular. So yeah, for sure we're seeing [inaudible 00:07:16].
Heidi J. Ellsworth: And we're hearing so much about solar on metal roofs and how it goes together and works so well. I know some people may think that's just commercial, but really that's residential.
Renee Ramey: Huge residential. And again, I think there's a lot of misinformation or just people that don't know all the information about the importance of your roof when it comes to the solar systems that you're putting on it.
And specifically with metal roofing, what a perfect choice. The metal roof outlasts, typically if you get a quality metal roof, it's going to outlast the solar system you're putting on it so you're not having to pay to remove the solar system to re-roof. Put it back on.
My heart broke. I recently spoke with a homeowner that had a solar system. I mean, they're trying to do the right things. They've got a solar system on their home. It was over an asphalt roof. The roof was failing, and the amount of money that he had to pay and the hassle that that poor man had to go through to find a company to come and take the solar system off to find a installer of the solar system to put it back on, he was dealing with warranty issues because it had to be removed. I mean, it's just metal is a great story and a great platform for solar.
Heidi J. Ellsworth: It really is. It really is. And you're hearing it so much. At METALCON, there was all kinds of classes on it, and we're seeing that this is making sense with the metal contractors. Speaking of that, let's talk a little bit, with your focus being homeowners in education and increasing, getting them aware of using metal roofing, but you also do a lot for contractors, for roofing contractors who want to get into metal or who are metal roofing contractors. Why don't you talk a little bit about that and what you offer them by being a part of MRA?
Renee Ramey: We love our contractor members for a number of reasons, but when we appeal to a homeowner and we get them to a point where they want to proceed either with an actual metal roof or they want to reach out and get more information about a metal roof, they want to talk to their local installer. They don't necessarily always want to talk to me or to a metal roofing manufacturer. And so the importance of having MRA member installers contractors as part of our organization that I can then refer those homeowners to that's huge.
And so from a contractor perspective, our program consists of providing them with marketing information and tools. We have a co-op marketing program so they can utilize us and our services and our materials to take out to their local market and educate homeowners that way. We offer free memberships just to get people in the door to help them see the benefits that come from membership.
And then all those homeowners that are looking for more information or to install a metal roof. We have a find a professional form on our website that the homeowners fill out of their own accord. And when they hit submit, if you're an MRA contractor installer member, your information comes up right then and there for the homeowner based off we have this system that bases it off the zip code. So you're getting homeowners in your area seeing your information, and then if the homeowner wants to be contacted, you're getting their contact information so you can reach out. So for us, contractors are a critical part of the program in helping bridge that gap between a homeowner ready to make the jump and a local professional that they can connect with and feel good about.
Heidi J. Ellsworth: That is so important because homeowners want to go to authority, they want to go to a third party. And so Metal Roofing Alliance does that. And so for the contractors out there listening to this, this is a great lead source, great education, just branding and SEO overall. It is a lot like what we do with the R Club and it's so important, these things for the contractors to have these resources. And if you're doing metal, you've got to be on MRA's site. And you do have to get recommended by a manufacturer, right?
Renee Ramey: Yes.
Heidi J. Ellsworth: So the importance of building those relationships with your metal manufacturers.
Renee Ramey: Yes. We rely on our manufacturers to verify, for lack of a better description, that the installer, contractor member is purchasing quality metal roofing product, that they know how to install it, that they've been a good professional resource out in the market.
Heidi J. Ellsworth: So we're going to have a number of folks watching this who are probably thinking, I want to get into metal roofing. This is something I want to add to my business offering. What's some of your advice for roofing contractors who want to start selling, installing metal roofing?
Renee Ramey: Absolutely. First and foremost, get ahold of me. Get ahold of the Metal Roofing Alliance. We have some materials that will help you understand the roofing process, the roofing industry as a whole. I can give you some information about where we see the market going, what homeowners value. So really from my perspective, it's building your educational base, your knowledge base from a reliable source so you understand what you're getting into. From there, we have a couple different training resources that we partner with that we can refer people to, but most importantly, it's finding your manufacturer, your material supplier, and getting in touch with them and figuring out their products, their systems. Most manufacturer members have training programs and materials they can provide a contractor to get into the market. So we're here to help for sure, but I think the industry as a whole does a very good job of bringing new contractors in and helping them quickly ramp up to being able to install a metal roof.
Heidi J. Ellsworth: Because there's demand. I mean, we just heard that, right? 14% demand since 1998. That's huge. And we're seeing it.
Renee Ramey: I cannot state enough. We have a lot of homeowners that are interested in, again, either moving forward with or learning more about a metal roof in areas where we don't have any local installers. And so at that point, then I'm responding or the manufacturer's responding, but they really want to talk to a local person. And, yeah, I can't underscore what you just said enough, there are areas within the United States that we don't have any representation from an installer perspective. And it's unfortunate because those homeowners are eager, willing, and ready to do metal roofing, and many of them probably don't because we just can't get them connected with someone.
Heidi J. Ellsworth: That's a hot lead.
Renee Ramey: That's a hot lead, yes.
Heidi J. Ellsworth: That is a very hot lead. I say go through it. Well, and I know we have done so much together between Roofer's Coffee Shop and now MetalCoffeeShop and the Metal Roofing Alliance. It's been great because all of your trainings out there on the directories, we really tried to encourage, I mean, you did the photo contest last year and you're doing some more this year. So celebrating these metal roofing contractors.
Renee Ramey: Yes. Your partnership has been very valuable to us as well, and just getting word out and helping get us in front of contractors who may not be aware of what we do and what we're focused on.
Heidi J. Ellsworth: I feel the same way. It is just such a great partnership, and so I want to encourage everybody out there. This is really something you can do for your business. If you're already doing metal, you just heard it. There are places in the country that there's no one to refer them to. So you need to find out, and even if there are other metal contractors there, you're also missing out if you're not on the MRA. So get with your metal manufacturer, get referred in there and work your way through. You can find all that information on MetalCoffeeShop and on Roofer's Coffee Shop to figure out how to get started. But really, it's also just about going to your website, Renee, and making that happen. So why don't you share with everybody how to get ahold of you?
Renee Ramey: Absolutely. Our website is our hub. Everything's out there. It's metalroofing.com, and we have an email set up for support@metalroofing.com. Feel free to shoot an email, hop on the website. All our contact information's out on the website as well. We would love to help you, whether you become a member or not. Our goal is to grow the market share for metal roofing in the residential arena.
Heidi J. Ellsworth: And you're doing it.
Renee Ramey: We are doing it.
Heidi J. Ellsworth: Very nicely. It's great.
Renee Ramey: [inaudible 00:16:33].
Heidi J. Ellsworth: So please check out, we have a number of great articles from the Metal Roofing Alliance on Ask a Roofer, on Roofer's Coffee Shop, and on MetalCoffeeShop. So if you are working with homeowners and you want to get them some information, there's a bunch of places that you can send them. It's a great way to educate your own crews and your own company. Just such a great resource. Renee, thank you.
Renee Ramey: Oh, thank you, Heidi. It's been a pleasure. Always a pleasure.
Heidi J. Ellsworth: Thank you everybody for watching. This MetalCast is now available on MetalCoffeeShop YouTube, and on all of our podcast channels. And of course, you can find it on MetalCoffeeShop. So check it out. Be sure to subscribe, get your notifications so you don't miss a single episode. We'll be seeing you next time on MetalCast.
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