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How to Remove Mold or Algae from a Metal Roof

DECRA How to Remove Mold from a Metal Roof
December 28, 2020 at 2:00 p.m.

Read a few tips for cleaning a DECRA stone-coated metal roof to protect it from algae, mold, lichen and more to achieve life-long perfection.

Stone-coated metal roofing is an excellent solution for anyone looking for an easy to clean surface. Like other structural options, they inevitably attract algae, lichen and mold over time. Still, you can mitigate and maintain your roof properly by being proactive when caring for your home if it’s near overhanging trees or lacks sunlight that could protect your roofing from certain pollutants.

DECRA Metal Roofing wants to ensure homeowners with stone-coated metal roofing can take advantage of our product's longevity by offering practical tips for cleaning, caring, and restoring it back to its original appearance to achieve life-long perfection. To learn how you can maximize the lifespan of your roof, continue reading below. 

1. Safety first

Your safety should always be your top priority during any home improvement project, so we encourage everyone to take the proper precautions before cleaning a stone-coated metal roof. Safety tips include:

  • Implementing fall safety measures, such as installing proper ladders or scaffolds for entering or exiting safely.

  • Avoid no stepping zones.

  • Use protective gear.

You’ll also want to make sure you disconnect your roof cistern collection systems to avoid contamination when cleaning your roof. Allow the roof to flush at least three rainfall occurrences before reconnecting roof water run-off back into the cistern collection system.

2. Use the right tools 

While stone-coated metal roofing can withstand severe weather conditions, cleaning any roof with water pressure above 500 pounds of force Per Square Inch (PSI) isn't recommended. Additionally, you don't want to exceed 160 degrees (F) water/solution temperatures when using heated water or a steam cleaning tool. Instead, carefully spray water from a hose as a soft rinse procedure and wipe away any algae, lichen, mildew, moss, or other visible pollutants that have accumulated to better maintain your roof.

3. Pick roof safe products

Next, we advise customers to use the right products when cleaning their stone-coated metal roofing. It's a common misconception that copper or iron-based products or solutions can treat roofs for algae, lichen and moss growth, but we don't recommend using those because they can affect quality.

For example, copper-based products accelerate corrosion to roof panels due to dissimilar metal galvanic reaction. As for iron-based products, they rust stain your roof.

When choosing a cleaning product safe to use on a stone-coated metal roof, follow the preparation and application instructions on it to protect the areas you're cleaning. Here are a few professional cleaners we use to defend our roofing at home:

Tip: Metal roofs are really easy to clean

Simply mix the cleaning products listed above with a gallon of water and a quart of bleach for the best results. Make sure to mix these items really well before applying them to your roof. Then, spray the mixture on your roof and let it sit for about 15 minutes.

More metal roof cleaning tips:

  • Trim any tree branches that impede the roof or block sunlight.

  • Clear debris on top of the roof.

  • Clean your gutters to prevent build-up of leaves and/or branches. 

Choosing the right roof for your home

If you’re researching new roofing and trying to decide between a stone-coated metal roof or an asphalt option, consider the practical benefits of choosing DECRA. Metal roofing is not only easy to clean, but it’s effortless to care for compared to asphalt or tile, which can break or rise when exposed to pollutants. What’s more? Our products last 2-3 times longer than conventional roofing materials, making them an investment that pays for itself while being easy to maintain.

DECRA is the original manufacturer of the stone-coated metal roof. Our state of the art products are lab tested to withstand the harshest elements to ensure longevity and always include a limited lifetime warranty as added protection.

If you need additional stone-coated metal roofing advice, contact us to let us know how we can help.

Learn more about DECRA in their RoofersCoffeeShop® Directory.

Original article source: DECRA

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