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Aspiring to transform metal construction

RMG Aspiring to transform metal construction
December 21, 2024 at 8:00 a.m.

By Jesse Sanchez. 

The future of metal buildings is advancing rapidly — those who embrace change are poised to lead the way. 

In this MetalCast™ interview, Heidi J. Ellsworth sat down to have a lively discussion with Bobby Mesmer, CEO of RMG Erectors and Constructors, who shared his bold vision for transforming the metal construction industry. As the largest pre-engineered steel building erector in the world, RMG is driving seismic shifts in construction practices and setting new industry standards. 

Bobby’s story is one of adaptation and growth. RMG didn’t always specialize in steel erection; they pivoted from general contracting to meet a glaring need. Bobby explained, “The way the story goes is, basically we bought a building, it was an airplane hangar, we needed to erect it, we couldn’t find an erector, I put together my own crew, we went out there, we erected it and puff, here we are and it’s really that simple.” RMG’s success hinges on innovation, efficiency and challenging the old norms that have long dominated the field. Reflecting on the industry’s resistance to change, Bobby said, “Everybody told us that we’re going to fail and you’re never going to go anywhere and this and that and now here we are in 2024.” 

Bobby expressed a primary value of his: progress through education. He believes in a comprehensive approach to construction, working directly with architects and end users to promote pre-engineered solutions. “We really need to do a better job in this industry to really get out there to these architects and engineers, sit them down, talk to them about their solutions, look at their projects and say to them, ‘that project can be pre-engineered and here’s how,’” he stated. 

One riveting case study involves a hotel developer who saved millions by following RMG’s unconventional design recommendations. Bobby shared, “We did a hybrid steel solution…we had the building erected, closed in the building and all that in no time, but at the end of the day, the solution that I gave him shaved $3 million off of his wood frame budget.” The cost-effective, durable designs not only provided immediate savings but offered long-term value and structural integrity — proving that thinking differently pays off. 

Read the transcript, Listen to the podcast or Watch the webinar to hear Bobby’s insights on revolutionizing building practices and how embracing change can lead to greater opportunities for everyone in the industry! 

Bobby Mesmer is the CEO and founder of RMG Erectors & Constructors, Iron Will Racing and RMG Luxury Services. Read his full bio here.

About Jesse

Jesse is a writer for The Coffee Shops. When he is not writing and learning about the roofing industry, he can be found powerlifting, playing saxophone or reading a good book.

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