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Putting Heads and Hearts Together to Help a Family in Need

GAF LOVE Shines Through
July 11, 2020 at 6:00 a.m.

Companies and neighbors are donating money, labor and supplies to repair a failing roof.

A family in need, adversely affected by COVID-19 and living under a roof in disrepair, is getting a helping hand. National Women in Roofing (NWIR) South Florida is honored to be spearheading a relief effort for the Walters family. To learn more about this family visit Meet the Walters. The list of neighbors who have been moved to help this family, both businesses and individuals, continues to grow. We have set a goal to raise $10,000 to cover the costs of a complete roof replacement and to repair the damage inside their home. 

Our introduction to the Walters family began with Marlene Contreras, Offshore Roofing, who was reroofing a small home in Fort Lauderdale when several neighbors individually approached her regarding a “family down the street.” Marlene learned that the ceilings in the Walters’ home had collapsed in several rooms due to water intrusion from a roof that was in complete disrepair. With no homeowner’s insurance and a very limited income, this family had no idea where to turn for help. 


Marlene contacted the family and learned that Clayton Walters became disabled when he suffered a heart attack after being shot while working as a taxi driver. Since that time, his wife Annette has been the primary earner in the family, working as a Teacher’s Aid for the Broward County School District. During the COVID-19 pandemic both Clayton and Annette were hospitalized with pneumonia. Also living in the home is Clayton and Annette’s daughter, Valencia, a senior at FAMU (Florida A&M University) in Tallahassee, who because of COVID-19, is completing her degree in Health Informatics Information Management via online classes, and their grandson Malik, who will be graduating high school in a virtual graduation ceremony on June 25.

Marlene brought this story – along with pictures of the disintegrating roof – to National Women in Roofing South Florida to see if we knew of any charities or organizations that could assist. We directed her to a couple but, upon contacting them, it quickly became apparent that no one would be able to help the family now. Realizing time is of the essence - the rainy season is already well upon us - we put our heads and hearts together to see what we could do.   


After meeting this amazing family and hearing their story, we understood why their neighbors wanted to help them and why their neighbors would proactively reach out to others on their behalf. We responded by reaching out to contractors, distributors, manufacturers and other service providers. Within hours we had an action plan in place to assist this family. Much of the labor and materials needed to replace the Walters’ roof and to repair the inside of their home is being donated; but there is so much to be done.

Just one example of the willing spirit and generosity we’ve already seen expressed was last Saturday. Zack Wallick, owner of Kairos Roofing, learned about the plight of this family at 6:30 p.m. Friday night. His response: Zach and his crew showed up at the Walters’ residence at 8:00 Saturday morning and tarped their roof!   


The list is growing quickly and we look forward to adding your name here. A huge thank you to these companies who have already committed their support to this project, including GAF

Learn more about Kairos Roofing.

Please visit the Go Fund Me page to learn more about this amazing family and to see how you can help: Meet the Walters. And, please share this on your social media!

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