

By Colin Murnan, Sheffield Metals International. Putting the spotlight on ...
By Dani Sheehan. How do your prospective customers react to ...
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NWIR (National Women in Roofing)

RCS Erika Jackson

Meta Team Welcomes Erica Jackson as New Partner

Erica Jackson of CYE Enterprises, Inc. becomes full partner of Meta Team, LLC Meta Team, LLC, a national certified women-owned commercial roofing company in the U.S., is pleased to officially announce the addition of Erica Jackson as the company's newest partner. Mrs. Jackson is Co-Owner and President of CYE Enterprises, Inc., ...

SRS Alexandria House

Maria Alcala Mobilizes Her Community to Replace Roof on Alexandria House

By Cass Jacoby, RCS Reporter. The roofing industry’s dedication to community and protecting others shines through with the expedient work on the Alexandira House. The Alexandria House provides transitional housing for women and children, offering a safe and supportive environment for families as they become more economically stable and ...

NWIR Golf Tournament

NWiR Oregon Council is Co-sponsoring Hole 12 at the ARC Golf Tournament

By National Women in Roofing (NWIR). Join NWiR Oregon Council along with Integrity Insurance & Bonding, Inc. on the hole to promote the organization. Do you enjoy a good game of golf? Do you love supporting and advancing the careers of women roofing professionals? Then come join NWiR Oregon Wednesday, ...

ORCA Logo 600x300

Sharp Shooters in the Roofing Industry Enjoyed the 2021 ORCA Sporting Clay Tournament

By Cass Jacoby, RCS Reporter. ORCA’s day of fun, networking and sporting clays for the construction community was a hit. Members from all parts of the construction community gathered together for the 2021 ORCA Sporting Clay Tournament on April 23, 2021 at the Tulsa Gun Club. Attendees enjoyed a ...

CRA Trade Show

Low Cost, High Reward

By Colin Sheehan, RCS Reporter. Showcase your products and services, build your network and share your company with the industry at CRA’s annual trade show. The Colorado Roofing Association (CRA) is gearing up for their annual Table Top Trade Show, set to take place on June 4, 2021 at Empower ...

NWiR Jazmine Melton

Jazmine Melton, the First and Not the Last!

By National Women in Roofing (NWiR). April 30, 2021 marks a moment in history for Mississippi State University. The Building Construction Science degree is a program marked for the most elite students. This competitive program is limited to entry and requires a vigorous application process that ensures the best of ...

NWIR Help Those in Need

Helping Those in Need One Shingle at a Time

By Lauren White, RCS Assistant Editor. The NWIR Oregon council is dedicated to helping shelter and protect families, women and children in their community. We’ve had a whirlwind last couple years between the Coronavirus, material shortages in the industry and the devastation the nation endured from wildfires, ice storms, ...

NWIR Day 2021

Fourth Annual NWiR Day Conference Promises an Uplifting Day of Fun and Learning

By Cass Jacoby, RCS Reporter. Get ready for National Women in Roofing (NWiR) Day in Las Vegas on August 8. In advance of IRE, the fourth annual NWiR Day is a place to connect, discover and cultivate relationships with roofing professionals. Providing a space for multidisciplinary women to learn ...

RCS Asian American Pacific /Islander Heritage Month

May is Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month

By Cass Jacoby, RCS Reporter. The roofing industry celebrates diversity and the heritage of those who have shaped the community for the better. With anti-Asian hate crimes increasing nearly 150% in 2020, there has never been a more relevant time to celebrate and acknowledge Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) ...


National Women in Roofing Comes to Canada

By Canadian Roofing Contractors Association (CRCA). CRCA works with National Women in Roofing (NWiR) to Support Canadian Women in Roofing. National Women in Roofing (NWiR) and the Canadian Roofing Contractors Association (CRCA) recently established a Canadian council. With the overall goal of empowering women in the roofing industry and helping ...

Showing: 221 - 230 of 382
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By Colin Murnan, Sheffield Metals International. Putting the spotlight on ...
By Dani Sheehan. How do your prospective customers react to ...
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Metal Depots - Sidebar Ad
Metal-Era / Hickman - Sidebar Ad - Product Launch
Sherwin-Williams & Grosso - MetalVue Sidebar - Make More with Metal
McElroy Metals - Sidebar Ad - May 2022
Contractor Outlook - Sponsored by SRS
METALCON - Side Bar - Ticket Giveaway