

"Substance abuse and suicide claim more roofing lives than job ...
By Emma Peterson. Four stories of roofers going above and beyond ...
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Products & Services

Cougar paws Un par de botas para dominarlas todas

Un par de botas para dominarlas todas

Por Emma Peterson. Cougar Paws son más que simples botas, son una inversión que puede ayudar a salvar vidas y dinero. Trabajar en un techo es un trabajo peligroso, por lo que tener equipo y equipo de seguridad de primera calidad es de suma importancia. Rich Deiley, el director ...

RPS Hail-resistant material everyone

The hail-resistant material everyone’s talking about

By RPS Metal Roofing & Siding, Inc. Understand metal roofing’s role in shielding homes from hail in addition to strategic measures that can be taken to reduce damage. The destruction left by hailstorms is often extensive, affecting everything from gardens to vehicles to the roofs over our heads. This article ...

Cougar paws One boot to rule them all

One boot to rule them all

By Emma Peterson. Cougar Paws are more than just boots, they’re an investment that can help save lives and money. Working on the roof is a dangerous job, which is why having top-notch safety equipment and gear is of the utmost importance. Rich Deiley, the director of sales at ...

FlashCo FlashCo makes contractors time on the roof seamless and efficient

FlashCo makes contractors time on the roof seamless and efficient

By Emma Peterson. FlashCo has prefabricated roofing solutions for whatever a contractor might need in the field! Make sure to grab a FlashCo prefabricated accessory before you head out to the job site! FlashCo, which has been around the industry for 25 years now, aims to supply contractors with standard ...

Malco The right tool for the job

The right tool for the job

By Emma Peterson. Learn why it is so important to use high-quality tools like Malco's products! In a recent MetalTalk webinar, Karen Edwards sat down with Rebecca Talbot of Malco Tools. Rebecca has worked at Malco for a little over a year and is their VP of marketing. She explained ...

ABC 5 clear signs it’s time to replace your roof

5 clear signs it’s time to replace your roof

By Alejandro Vela, American Building Components. How to know when it’s time to say goodbye to your old roof. Editors Note: Share this guide with your customers who are homeowners to help them recognize the key signs of roof deterioration and make informed decisions about timely replacements, potentially saving on ...

Sheridan Maintaining metal roofing

Maintaining metal roofing

By Sheffield Metals International. Proper care and routine inspections can maximize the lifespan of your metal roofing system. Editor’s note: Share this informative article about metal roofing with customers interested in learning how to care for their roofs. Metal roofs offer home and business owners an impressive level ...

Metal Sales Refresh metal roof with paint

Refresh your metal roof with a splash of paint

By Metal Sales. Time for a change? Here's your go-to plan for updating a metal roof's color without a hitch. Repainting a metal roof is in fact possible for homeowners looking to refresh their roof's appearance. With metal roofs designed to endure for decades, a color update may be desired ...

Metal Sales Retro-Master economical retrofit system

Retro-Master: An economical retrofit roofing system solution

By Metal Sales. Looking for an economical and fast metal roofing system? The Retro-Master roofing system from Metal Sales is a great bargain and great quality solution! The Retro-Master® system from Metal Sales is an affordable, sustainable solution designed for building owners looking to retrofit their roof and transform ...

HB The smallest choice can make the biggest impact

The smallest choice can make the biggest impact

By H.B. Fuller. Find out how to choose the right sealant for your metal roof. Imagine the demands of building a roof that can withstand the relentless elements atop Pikes Peak — at an altitude where fierce winds, icy temperatures and unrelenting sun are the norm. Choosing ...

Showing: 71 - 80 of 565
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"Substance abuse and suicide claim more roofing lives than job ...
By Emma Peterson. Four stories of roofers going above and beyond ...
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