By Cotney - Attorneys & Consultants. After being inaugurated on January 20, President Biden wasted no time signing executive orders and rolling out other plans for change. Although many actions will need to shake out over the coming months, it seems clear that he intends to make modifications in the workplace. Below ...
By Cotney Construction Law. Did you make personal resolutions for 2021? What about resolutions for your business? It is a new year, and you likely entered 2021 with a host of resolutions for your personal life. But what about resolutions for your business? Just as you should take stock of yourself, you ...
By Jeremy Power, Cotney Construction Law. Learn what employers should be aware of regarding OHSA obligations in Ontario. Employers have a lot of responsibility when it comes to workplace safety. Paramount among these responsibilities is to take every reasonable precaution for the safety of workers – no easy task at the best ...
By Cotney Construction Law. When COVID-19 emerged as a new virus, workplaces realized they would need to shift their business to remote work. Although some businesses may have returned to their normal office routine, many realized that working from home is a feasible option. Some companies have even announced an option for ...
By Cotney Construction Law, LLP. As states and businesses begin the process of reopening from the coronavirus stay-at-home orders, employers and their employees face a new category of risk and liability. What steps can you take to protect your company and what responsibilities do you owe your employees? While it may be ...
By Ben Briggs & John Brock, Cotney Construction Law LLP. The onset of COVID-19 has employers throughout the construction industry adjusting workplace procedures to account for the virus’ threat to employee health. As with all workplace health-related matters, compliance with OSHA regulations is important for businesses operating during this COVID-19 pandemic. OSHA ...